
Friday, July 22, 2011

Hello n Good day everyone!~

It's been long since i've even written anything in here....a lot of things happened these few days...i've been busy with assignments which until now pretty much not completed yet...i have tests coming this way in a few days..oh my god..feels like i wanna pull my hair off...every single day is a frustrating day..no doubt about that..hmm...anyways, i have lots to tell...only one particular thing made me feel like i should tell..

ladies, don't give 100% trust on your boyfriend or whatever...it hurts when the names that u should be called by him is also a name he gave to another person..for instance he calls u sayang....suddenly, u found out that he has been calling another girl the same name..that should be your special name..why should he give it away that easy..and would you stand the heat when he says he misses her too???uhh!!!it burns me to even write this entry...it hurts...and i bet that boys don't even know what it feels...cause their heart is as cold as ice...i am not sure about some boys..but most of them who are young like us may have this kind of habit...i am just giving a fair warning and telling that there is no need to believe every word they are saying..just take 50% out of it..

nk ckp mlayu plak lah...hmm....seseowg yg ak pcya did this..to yg ak nk cta cket...cian pmpuan 2...pnya lah jga hbungan 2, tetiba kntoi kt fb...the girl bce msges dlm fb laki 2....laki 2 bleh siap ckp psal rndu2 lg..ada pulak ckp kt nomad 2 cm ni " sy je rndu xde effect la "...ooo, kra nk nomad 2 miss u too la ye??ha, p la kt dia!..then, bla nomad 2 ckp " hbs 2 npe snyap je"...laki 2 blas blik, " fon i ilang la SAYANG"....what is that shit?!!mmg pmpuan 2 burning2 la...bleh lak ckp cm 2 kn??hmm..tatau la nk ckp pa dh psai laki ni..nk ckp lbey2, kna sound free....mlas nk bahas ngn dye.nasihat utk the girl, ttop la hp wt smentara n calm u'r mind..find other better thing to do..mmg la trkjud ble girl 2 cte ni kt ak...dlu diorg happy kowt...bhgia je..kemana ada aku, disitu ada hang la ktakn dpa nih...sweet, smua ada...skrg da npk cm sour da..i don't want anyone to feel that way..single sometimes is better...but i understand that every girl likes being adored and loved by their love ones..they feel secured...but boys, please change u'r attitude..wlau cntik mna pon pmpuan lain, jgn la dok mnggatai...klo ska mnggtai, tapayah la declare "COUPLE"....buat owg lain skt ati ja..KOMPRENDO???...i really hate these kind of boys...they could kiss my ass n leave my misery yet stupid life...I HATE U!....thanks...


  1. huhu aku sokong weyh! gila apa laki tu pi cakap sayang??? what the hell?? dia ingat kita nie murah sangat kot nak kongsi kasih sayang dengan perempuan lain yang bukan girlfren dia. gila toi...klu aku jmp laki mcm nie, aku ambik machine gun, aku tembak2 dia sampai berlubang2 bdan dia. huhu emo plak aku..laki ptut jdi caring. klu laki tu yg cari perempuan tu, he has to work for it. dia yang cari, bukan kita. jadi dia yg desperate, bukan kita. toi x? hehe

  2. waa..gla pnjang ang komen farah oi..haha..btoi smua yg ang kta 2..ak mngamok gla kot..owg 2, someone that i really know..snggop mcm 2..klo ak, smpai tua ak xleh lupa weh..cm na nk pcya blik pon susah...huhu
