
Sunday, December 5, 2010

On 11th July at 1.15 a.m, he is mine forever..at first, i just wanted to try him out..not liking him that much..he really looks like my ex....well, at first meeting him at mushroom CC, i was quite shy..i was like, what should i say..haha..baru 2 mgu kt uitm, da jtoh cinta..of course impossible..i know my aim..i need to study..not falling in love..i broke my own heart for the millionth time..i don't want this to ruin my life..
anyways, kmi pnah break skali..hari isnin..excatly lpas dye balik uitm dr umh..he went out with his friends..p mkn..mla2, elok ja kmi ckp..lwak2 smua..then, ak ckp ak nk g mndy..dye ckp ok la ape la...ok je...then, pas mndy, ak msg dye blik...dye ckp there's something he has to say..dye xpgl ak cm slalu da..it's like kmi da xdk apa2..knpa??he said, we didn't know each other well lg..kmi bru knal..dlu msa cpel, ak da ckp bnda ni..dye ckp xpa..msa brcnta leh knal..skrg apa crita, ak xtau..tiba2 ja..skt ati tol..ak xska owg mtk break..kcuali ak yg mtk..huhh!...
kmi break da hmpir sminggu..ak dh la sma klas ngn dye stiap slasa, rabu ngn jumaat...bla dgr je suara dye dlm klas, ak cm nk muntah..mluat tol..ak post mcm2 kt wall ak dlm FB..1 ari, jannah my cube-mate tnya ak sesuatu..ak ckp la pe dye..dye tnya ak, dlu ak cm na??ada x ak bg gmbr bukan2, gmbr ak la kt ex ak atau sape2...ak syak, msti dak skolah ak yg ckp bukan2 psal ak..ak crita hbs kt jannah..smua skali..dye ckp, sbnrnye wan tnye dye smue ni..of course la jannah xleh back up ak..dye xtau anything about me..tp ak skt ati la.ak da tau sbb pe kmi break..why did he had to lie..just tell me the truth and ask me..dye ptotnya gtau ak bnda ni..knpa prlu bohong n sorok...dye tnye owg yg xtau, of course la xkn settle bnda nih..aduuh..ak geram, then ak gtau kwn2 ak kt FB..wan bce..then, he straight away call me..dye tnye btol ke pe yg ak ckp kt wall 2..wt pe ak nk tipu..kwn ak ada skali leh jd saksi..fitnah bodoh dak skolah ak yg dengki2 wt..bnci ak..then, kmi ckp elok2 blik...kmi cpel blik in a funny way..haha..ak just playing around je ngn dye..at first ak xserious lgsong...lme kelamaan, ak da smakin jtoh ati kt dye..Oh My God!!dye pon sbnrnye 2x5 je ngn ak..mla2 nk main ja..lma2, cinta btol..
i Love him..i don't wanna loose him..after what we have been through...he is now my everything..tp, 3 mlm lpas, dye ada ckp something kt ak..ak serious tnye soalan 2...dye jwb nth serious ke main2...ak skt ati..mybe he didn't notice that my heart is breaking..psal 2 la ak lain cket ngn dye skrg..ak tkot nk lbh2..ak tkot nk trlalu brhrap...what if he is not meant for me..of course dye leh ckp dye serious ngn ak..but i'm afraid, one day he'll leave me just like that for another girl..now, he'll say he will never leave me..but what if i cant give him something that he really wants in future..he said he'll find another..he said it himself..wel that is the thing bothering me now..i really don't want that to happen..so i'll stay low..i won't keep my hopes high..cause he'll leave me anytime...i'm afraid of losing him..i don't know what will happen if he does..i need him..at the same time i'm hurting...i've been thinking...hmmm....

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